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This is a podfic of the one-shot Owe Yourself by daylightbreaks.
This fic shows Izuku suffering from chronic pain in his hands and taking the time to notice it in others, more specifically, his teachers who try to hide it.
Link to podfic below
Link to podfic
OmegaSimp, Knockofforeo, Maria_or_jeff, Sailorhanakokun, Rooklikesbooks, KieranKalico, Defiled_Pennies, YoukoRayah, zzzSleepyCatzzz, nikitty17, sumulus, Yamiara, nooneisthebeston, acebian, fallenhuman, Imgonnaproposetotheastonmartin, RandomFan001, and Hi_Hope as well as 3 guests left kudos on this work!